2022-06-22 16:56:57來源:學習啦
With China"s college graduation season drawing near, some industries, such as catering, travel and photostudios, are gearing up for a busy and lucrativeperiod.
A new survey shows more than 20 percent ofgraduates apparently expect to spend over 10,000 yuan bidding farewell to their student days.
Restaurants around colleges are always busy, with many students holding dinner parties to saya fond goodbye to their classmates and friends.
A graduate from Qingdao University said he normally spends about 1,000 yuan per month, butsince mid-May, he"s been attending dinner parties almost every day, and doubts that 3,000 yuan will be enough to cover his needs.
Apart from parties, having a unique photo album is regarded as a must-have for the younggraduates.
Graduation travel accounts for the largest part of student graduation expenditure. ZhangHaoran, a senior student of Qingdao University went on a six-day trip to Shanghai and Nanjingwith two of his classmates, at a cost of about 2,000 yuan each.
Of course, most students don"t lose sight of perhaps the most important task during thegraduation time - finding a good job. To impress possible employers, many students splash outon creating attractive curriculum vitae, buying a smart suit, and having a professional IDphoto taken.
But consultant Wu Lianhai, from the Ocean University of China, is keen to remind graduates tocontrol their spending as most of their income still comes from their parents" pockets.
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