2022-11-25 10:37:16來源:有考網(wǎng)
哈嘍小伙伴們 ,今天給大家科普一個小知識。在日常生活中我們或多或少的都會接觸到萌萌噠的英文是什么 萌萌噠cute的雙語例句方面的一些說法,有的小伙伴還不是很了解,今天就給大家詳細的介紹一下關于萌萌噠的英文是什么 萌萌噠cute的雙語例句的相關內(nèi)容。
3.Meng Meng Da
1. She wasn"t beautiful. But she was kind of cute.
2. There was this girl, and I thought she was really cute.
3. I got off with a cute boy from Nottingham.
4. Oh, look at that dog! He"s so cute.
5. That"s a cute trick.
6. a cute little baby
7. Leila kept smiling her outrageously cute smile.
8. The little girl is very cute.
9. What a cute baby she is!
她是多么逗人喜愛的嬰兒 啊 !
10. The baby is very cute.
11. The baby is plump and very cute.
12. She is a cute little baggage.
13. The President, trying to be cute, said his liberal arts education had not really prepared him for such complicated issues as this.
14. " I think it"s cute,"said Mrs. Wilson enthusiastically. " How much is it? "
“ 我覺得它真好玩, ” 威爾遜太太熱烈地說, “ 多少錢? ”
15. The prominent transient drowned in beer. That would be a cute death.
了不起的流浪漢在啤酒里淹死, 這倒是個怪有趣兒的死法.
1. Mr Strachan said people often bought the "cute little creatures", not realising they would grow.
2. Our 14-year-old daughter wants a Vespa (or, worse, a cute boy who rides one).
3. Google (GOOG), after a tremendous move, gave some a cute short on the open.
4. Budgeting for unanticipated expenses, she rents a cute but modest apartment in a middle-class neighborhood.
5. Here"s a cute one, from a Yale student: Why doesn"t Blockbuster have customers rewind before watching?
6. " In the video, a man off-camera says, "So cute, so cute, little puppy.
7. Rent a cute boat to explore the Sound -- fisherman"s sweater and pipe not included.
8. "We"re not talking about the cute little white steeple churches and things like that, " he said.
9. The 500 Cinquecento is a sharply designed retromobile that evokes the super-cute original Fiat 500.
10. We have a bat - about 40 seconds of the cute bat on our Web site.
11. She described him as "very cute, " Vicary later told CNN"s royal correspondent, Max Foster.
12. You gave modern day lexicon the word shlumpadinka, an awkwardly cute permutation of schlump.
13. My personal favorite may be "Robots in Residence, " because it involves cute little robots.
14. Ms. SAMUELS: He"s trying to get in the middle, which I thought was cute.
15. The front of the vehicle, they thought, looked too "cute" for a take-no-prisoners military truck.
16. "I can"t explain why the girls think I"m cute, " Mr. Jones told People in 1985.
17. There"s no meet-cute, for example: Pincus closes the elevator on her and then steals her cab.
18. Maron-1, by contrast, seems like a cute little home appliance that you could actually use.
19. For them the Great Recession is not a cute aphorism but a major cataclysm.
20. The guide says the town offers cute cafes, vintage shops and the new Turner Contemporary
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